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Quests - The How-to Guide

Explore Quests

Quests are interactive tasks designed for deFarm users to earn points and claim a share of deFarm's community airdrop. They are a fun and rewarding way to engage with the deFarm protocol and the community.

Quests Page

Upon accessing deFarm Quests, you'll land on the page as described:
To begin using the deFarm Quest site, your initial step is to connect your digital wallet. This can be done by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button located in the upper right corner and selecting the wallet that fits your needs.
If you do not have a wallet set up yet, opt for the "I don't have a wallet" option and follow the provided steps to create one. MetaMask is recommended for its widespread use in the community.
deFarm will request a signature on a message to confirm you are the rightful owner of the wallet address. This process incurs no fees and is completely safe.
deFarm Mainnet Beta is currently on .
If your wallet isn't connected to Blast, you'll be prompted to switch networks. Simply accept this change on your wallet, and you'll be all set.
Following a successful wallet connection, you'll need to enter an invitation code. The Quests program is exclusive to invitees, so access requires a code from an existing member who referred you.
Once a valid invitation code is redeemed, you're ready to start your Quests journey!

1. Information

Your profile name, accumulated points, and your ranking among other participants are displayed at the top of the site.
You'll also find banners showcasing current tasks available for exploration. These tasks are regularly updated to include new programs as they're announced.

2. Sections

The navigation bar below the banners allows access to four distinct sections:
Quests: Here, you'll find a variety of quests or tasks categorized for completion.
Invites: This section enables you to generate your invitation code and monitor your referral status.
Rewards: Detailed information about the rewards you've earned from participating in Quests.
Leaderboard: View the rankings based on points.



There are four main categories of quests, each accessible via tabs at the top:
Daily Tasks: Daily tasks are available to all users; these reset every 24 hours, offering fresh opportunities to earn points each day.
Challenges: Challenges are more complex, requiring greater effort but providing higher point rewards; they reset at the beginning of each new season, with the schedule to be provided.
Achievements: Achievements serve as a record of the significant milestones you've reached while participating in deFarm activities.
Social Power: Social Power is a collection of tasks designed to reward users for engaging with deFarm’s posts on platform X. The rewards scale with the number of followers a user has.


In the "Invites" section of deFarm Quests, you have the option to share your unique invitation code. This can be done through a shareable link across various platforms, making it easy to invite friends and your community to join the program.
You are entitled to earn 10% of the points accrued by your referrals. This benefit applies only when they have successfully completed the New User Tasks.
Additionally, this section provides transparent statistics regarding your referral activities, including:
User Referred: This counts the number of your referrals who have successfully verified their accounts and completed the New User Tasks.
Pending Referrals: Referrals currently in the process of completing the New User Tasks.
Earned from Referrals: The points you've accumulated from the activities of your referrals.
Available: Points that are ready and available for you to claim from your referral activities.


The "Leaderboard" section displays the top participants within deFarm Quests, giving complete transparency. Here, you can see who the leading point earners are, providing a sense of competition and accomplishment among participants.
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